13 Brougham Place

North Adelaide SA Australia 5006

+61 8 8361 7722

13 Brougham Place

North Adelaide SA Australia 5006

+61 8 8361 7722

Book for New Leaders

You’ve trained hard, you’ve worked hard, been diligent and you’re known for a high level of skill and ability, and no doubt, known as a “good” person. It’s taken maybe five to ten years to build this reputation. You know your stuff. Then maybe for advancement and an increased salary you get selected for a higher role or perhaps you expressed an interest in such a role.
So, now you’ve excelled in your trade or profession, you’re rewarded by being “thrown” or promoted into a role for which you’ve had little or NO training. Pardon?
How does that work?
You’ve proven yourself as a stand-out so they push you into a role or you choose a role for which you have had no preparation or training. Ironical? Yes.
Further, an additional irony is that it might have taken you 10 years or more to get to this point of competence dealing with wood, electricity, pipes, finances, physical ailments, computers, construction or designs which was difficult enough, but now you’re in charge of people.
In other words, dealing with the physical or technical aspects of the job is taxing enough even after about a decade of training and work, but dealing with people is another matter. Ever tried herding cats?
This book gives you the tools and techniques to allow you to fast track your learnings and insights on how to manage people.