13 Brougham Place

North Adelaide SA Australia 5006

+61 8 8361 7722

13 Brougham Place

North Adelaide SA Australia 5006

+61 8 8361 7722

What’s in the book?

What You Will Discover

This book covers:
  • What to do given that you’re being watched because as the new “boss” everyone has eyes on you and they are all interested in what you say and do
  • How you introduce yourself to your new group even if you’ve been part the group previously
  • How to keep a professional gap as a leader because as the “boss”, you need to keep a professional distance
  • What leadership is really all about
  • The differences between leaders and managers and although you might do both, you need to know the difference
  • What the characteristics of real leadership are
  • How you know yourself as a leader because self-awareness is the cornerstone of leadership and without it, you have little chance of becoming an effective leader
  • The role of emotional intelligence and how critical it is to effective leadership
  • How to understand human behaviour and how people tick
  • How to communicate effectively because the heart of good leadership is being able to both send your message well along with being able to receive and listen well
  • How to coach your team because dictatorial leadership is gone and instead, coaching is the skill that leaders now require as a way of guiding and growing their staff
  • The key to being assertive and delegating because it is important to be able to draw clear boundaries
  • How to deal with conflict because even if there were only two people on the planet, somehow or other, they would manage to step on each other’s toes
  • How to deal with difficult people because whether you like it or not, 20% of your people are going to cause you 80% of your problems
  • How to be organised and get things done